Make Money from Your Email Marketing

Earn over $1,000 per month

Many people's marketing emails generate so few results, they're not even worth the time they take to create. Meanwhile, small businesses that use these online courses are making a 20x average return on investment from just 2 emails per month! In these on-demand courses, you'll use proven email marketing methods to increase your sales this month.
Email marketing strategies for small businesses online course

Go from Beginner to Advanced

Detailed steps show you how to:

  • Be Strategic

    Learn when and how often to send emails, and proven techniques that get people to read, scroll, and click.

  • Write Effectively

    Write email subject lines that get opened and content that gets clicked. Get lists of words studies show do and don't work.

  • Grow Your Subscriber List

    Customize and print our email signup sheet and attract attention to it, so you get more signups.

  • Send Targeted Emails

    Increase your results by emailing a targeting sub-list of people with a common interest.

  • Autorespond

    What to write and when to send autoresponder emails.

Meet Your Instructor

A Real Email Marketing Expert

The author of this course, Danielle Glick, became an email marketing expert through years of hands-on experience. She has been using Mailchimp emails to make money for small businesses since 2013 and training others how to use Mailchimp and do email marketing for themselves since 2014. There's no reason to hire a professional to do your email marketing when you can use the same techniques for yourself with this course.

Danielle discovered what techniques do and don't work to increase email open rates, clicks, and sales thanks to years of ongoing analysis of real small business' statistics. What's taken her years to figure out will only take you a few days to implement. In this master class, she distills her 7 years of experience into her most profitable strategies and efficient processes, so you can save time and replicate others' success for yourself!

Avoid Costly Mistakes

Even if all this course did was save you from these mistakes, it'd still be worth a try!

  • Missing easy sales opportunities.

  • Wasting time trying to figure everything out on your own.

Here's the Thing:

Email marketing can be a great free tool, but only if you know how to use it to generate sales!

Too many people waste countless hours dabbling with their email marketing and barely get any sales from it. But you could skip that long struggle and start making money now with the efficient processes and proven methods we've detailed for you.

Whether you want to generate sales, get more subscribers, or spend less time figuring out what to put in your marketing emails, this course has solutions for you.

Includes 28 Lessons

(Sign up for Free Trial to view pages)

  • 1

    Fundamental Strategies for Email Marketing

    • Why Every Business NEEDS Email Marketing

    • How Often to Send Emails

    • Best Days & Times to Send Emails

    • How Much to Write

    • ​What to Include & In What Sequence

  • 2

    Email Subject Lines That Increase Open Rates

    • Summary

    • Video Instructions (Boot Camp)

    • Strategies for Writing Subject Lines

    • Keywords that Get Ignored

    • Keywords to Include

    • Actual Examples

    • Best Birthday Subject Lines

  • 3

    A Proper Email Newsletter Signup Sheet

    • Summary

    • ​Customize Your Signup Template

    • Ways to Increase Signups

  • 4

    How to Email Customers with a Common Interest

    • Summary

    • Video Instructions – Workshop

    • Make a List of the Customers

    • ​Import Your List Into a New Tag

    • Design a Special Email Template

    • Choose Your Images

    • ​Write the Subject Line

    • ​Write the Email

    • Results Analysis

    • Quick Instructions

  • 5

    Autoreply Email Strategy

    • Summary

    • When to Use Autoreply Emails

    • Detailed Instructions

Will It Work for Me?

Even if you have no experience, you should be able to make money with this course because it includes:

  • Step-by-step written instructions for beginners.

  • Strategies tested and proven with real small businesses.

  • Videos with speed settings, so you can learn at your own pace.

  • Quick instructions for advanced users and easy reference.

  • Expert Q&A support to make sure you succeed.

  • Constantly updated training.

If You Are a Person Who…

  • Needs to drive traffic or increase sales for a business

  • Spends hours creating emails hardly anyone opens or clicks

  • Struggles to figure out what to put in marketing emails

  • Has little to no prior marketing training

  • This course is your solution!

So What's Included?

  • 28 detailed pages

  • 3 video tutorials

  • Expert Q&A support 7 days a week

  • 24/7 on-demand access

  • Viewable on mobile, TV, and desktop

Are You Struggling

In This COVID Economy?

The good news is email marketing is the cheapest marketing option available (even free in some cases), AND it's the most profitable option! But only if you know how to do it well…

With our proven processes, you should be able to consistently make money from your marketing emails with just a few hours invested each month. With little to no costs and a high ROI, you literally can't afford to do ineffective or zero email marketing in 2020!

Start Increasing Your Sales

Get Your First 24 Hours Free

You can learn a lot in 24-hour free trial. We don't even ask for a credit card, so you've got nothing to lose and everything to gain!

Maximize Your Profits

Subscribe for as long as you want. Cancel anytime.

  • $89.00 / month

    $89.00 / monthEmail Marketing: Strategies for Small Businesses

    If someone told you that you could exchange the cost of one restaurant dinner for thousands of dollars in profits this year, would you do it? It's such a low-risk, high-value trade, it's at least worth a real try to see what happens! Most people finish in a few days and make money for a lifetime. There's no commitments; cancel anytime.
    Buy Now
  • $129.00 / month

    $129.00 / monthEmail Marketing for Small Businesses (Bundle)

    This course is even more profitable when purchased in this bundle with our Mailchimp course because the strategies are what make people open and click emails, while Mailchimp is the best tool for applying those strategies.
    Buy Now
  • $300.00 / month

    $300.00 / monthFull-Site (Bundle)

    Get access to every course we publish, now and in the future, at a massive bundled discount.
    Buy Now