We asked subscribers to tell us their two favorite things about our Full-Site Bundle. They had so many comments, we couldn't fit them all on our home page! Below are their condensed versions…

“I can attest this site’s advice is WELL worth the money! Danielle’s marketing savvy is absolutely astounding and unequaled by ANYONE else I’ve met, worked with, paid, or spoken to in the 6 years since we opened! I love that she supplies us with a wealth of ideas that have been proven to work… Although I rarely find time to actually see/hear the webinars live, I’m thankful that 24/7 site access allows me to watch them when I DO have time. Unquestionably the best marketing dollars we have ever and probably will ever spend!!” — Jennifer M., Garland, TX
“Before I started here I was just guessing what to do and watching a lot of podcasts to learn about social media. One of the best decisions I have made has been joining this site. I like that I’m learning while spending less time and money and getting way better results than I had on my own.” — Lisa M., Warrington, PA

“Oh my goodness, where do I start? I have to say the entire site is my absolute saving grace. I have learned more about Facebook, Instagram, as well as how to track if our ads are doing well. What to do and what not to do has been a time saver as well as a blessing because marketing really does take me less time now. Your training is all-encompassing and a life saver. Worth every dime and then some!” — Kim A., College Station, TX

“I will say right here, you have saved me SOOOOO much money by helping me understand what will most likely not work, not just telling me it won’t work but doing the research to back that up. I use your calendar and blog suggestions every month, I'm sure I would forget about a lot of those things if I didn't have you reminding me. I can honestly say that I could not operate my business without your help. Thank you!!” — Colleen C., Grapevine, TX

“When I opened my business I had no idea how to use social media, but you've taught me SO MUCH! I love the detailed instructions/ videos for beginners to advanced users because not everybody is on the same technology level. Even a Dinosaur like me can learn and understand the analytical stuff that goes on behind the scenes. Social Media changes a lot, so I'm glad you research the new features and explain the pros and cons with a recommendation on what will be beneficial for us to use. Thank you for empowering me to run my business!” — Tammy M., Lafayette, LA

“ONLY TWO favorite things?!? How about three… I don’t think I could live without the monthly to-do list, I refer back to it all month long. The second most beneficial thing is all the things that matter that maybe we (managers/ owners) don’t even think about. For example, optimization of e-mail signature, how to increase customer loyalty, facebook page settings, etc. And of course the step-by-step video instructions for all things Facebook and email.” — Monica S., Burleson, TX

“In the 5 years I've been in business, I've never felt so good about the direction we are headed. The courses and past experience examples are SO extremely helpful. I'm not a Social Media whiz when it comes to advertising, so I appreciate being able to have this at my fingertips. I LOVE the Monthly To-DO list, that helps keep us on track. Danielle works so hard to help us be the best we can be, and for NOT much compensation.” — Ronda H., Lubbock, TX

“Here I was thinking I already know so much about Facebook but really I KNOW NOTHING! … I would have never been able to figure this out on my own even though it's such a simple, almost common sense type of thing to do. This site is so conclusive and I love everything about it. If I had to pick just two things, I believe the most beneficial portion is the comprehensive Facebook knowledge. Another thing I find extremely beneficial is the group atmosphere of discussing what works and what does not work. This site is the WAY TO GO!” — Mya P., Ponte Vedra Beach, FL

“I sought help because I knew I needed a better strategy. I have to say I have learned a great deal. The top two things I like are: 1.) Access to this knowledge - If all new businesses got this subscription prior to opening, it would make a world of difference. It's a great marketing playbook. 2.) Relevant Updates - As social media tools change, it’s great to have someone looking into those changes to tell me how it impacts us. This is a time-saver.” — Letitia T., Ann Arbor, MI
“Your website gives me ideas, instructions, insight, and advice on digital marketing. I like that your service/website currently provides me with 1. expertise in digital marketing options, tools, and strategies, 2. effective and cohesive communication online, and 3. marketing strategies that can benefit my region.” — Sheri T., Huntington Beach, CA

“I find your site to be valuable to us that are so busy running the daily ops. I have learned a lot about when to post certain things and when not to post — a big insight which makes sense. I also enjoy the extra ideas we can implement that don't cost us a dime!” — Lisa B., Wixom, MI

“I can't tell you how excited I've found myself as I progress through these classes. I was becoming very discouraged with my business but have found a new boost after beginning this training. There's already so much value in what I've gained from just the few days I've been involved. I can't wait to see what I learn next and hope that I'll eventually reap the rewards from it.” — T.J. M., Daytona Beach, FL

“Your training has helped me tremendously. I can't even tell you how excited I am to be working on all of this. :) I love this stuff! The way you teach is totally my style. Trying to learn Facebook marketing on my own had proven to be way too time consuming. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!“ – Kristy Y., San Antonio, TX

“I have enjoyed Wise Training Owl and all the great training. It is a fantastic investment.” — Debbie P., Amherst, NY