Avoid Costly Mistakes

Save yourself from the biggest money-losing mistakes:

  • Missing easy sales opportunities.

  • Not taking advantage of all the best features.

  • Wasting time trying to figure everything out on your own.

Go from Beginner to Advanced

You'll learn how to:

  • Create & Set Up Your Account

    Get all the best features turned on.

  • Get Strategic

    Develop a strategy that works for your situation.

  • Measure Your Results

    Locate your key statistics and understand what they mean.

Results That Pay for Themselves

You should earn anywhere from thousands to tens of thousands of dollars in sales (depending on your products' price point) after you fully implement the instructions in this course. 

Even though this online course is a big money-maker, we don't charge $1,000 for it. We don't even charge $500. We let you decide how much it costs by offering it as a relatively inexpensive monthly subscription and letting you decide how many months you want to keep it. You can even take advantage of our Free Preview to verify this course is a good fit for you.

Full Course Outline

  • 1

    Course Overview

    • Course Workshop – Summary

    • Course Workshop – Video

    • Video Instructions – Mobile

  • 2

    Strategies for the Facebook News Feed Algorithm

    • Summary

    • Key Terms

    • The Old, Once-a-Day Posting Strategy

    • Why Our Posting Strategy Works

    • Once a Day vs. Twice a Week

    • Once a Day vs. Once a Week - Video Explanation

    • Videos Get More Reach

    • Do Not Ask for Facebook Engagements

    • Create Meaningful Social Interactions

    • How Facebook Weeds Out Bad Actors & Fake News

    • Do Not Pin Facebook Posts

    • Promoting Charity & Discount Events

    • How the Facebook News Feed Works in 2021

    • Quick Instructions

    • Facebook Post Ad Checklist – Workshop on Posts

  • 3

    Plan Your Posts in Advance

    • Summary

    • Detailed Instructions

    • Results Analysis

    • Quick Instructions

  • 4

    Create a Collage (PicFrame) That Sells

    • Summary

    • Video Instructions – Part 1 (Workshop)

    • How Many Products Should You Include?

    • Reasons Why You Shouldn't Post Just One Product – Video

    • Image Selection Strategy

    • Setup

    • Video Instructions – Part 2 (Workshop)

    • Steps to Load Images onto Your Mobile Device

    • Steps to Create a PicFrame Collage

    • Tips to Design Creative Collages – Summary

    • Tips to Design Creative Collages – Workshop

    • Beautiful Collage Designing Boot Camp – Summary

    • Beautiful Collage Designing Boot Camp – Video

    • ​Quick Instructions

  • 5

    How to Make Slideshow Videos

    • Summary

    • Detailed Instructions with Video

    • Results Analysis

    • Quick Instructions

  • 6

    3D Photos Instead of Collages

    • What is a 3D Photo?

    • Tricks to Make Your 3D Pop

    • Detailed Instructions

    • Results Analysis

    • Quick Instructions

  • 7

    Write Text That Sells

    • Summary

    • Video Instructions – Workshop

    • Detailed Instructions

    • Write for Your Audience's Current Awareness – Workshop

    • Creative Writing Workshop – Summary

    • Creative Writing – Workshop

    • Writing Do's

    • Writing Don'ts

    • How to Write the Same Thing in Less Characters

    • How to Write the Same Thing in Less Characters — Workshop

    • Creative Writing Boot Camp – Summary

    • Creative Writing Boot Camp – Video

    • Creative Writing Tips

    • ​Quick Instructions

  • 8

    Create & Schedule Posts

    • Summary

    • Strategies for Post Options

    • Detailed Instructions

    • Quick Instructions

  • 9


    • Course Comprehension Quiz

Learn from an Expert

You'll learn all of this from our Founder & Chief Trainer, Danielle Glick. She is uniquely qualified to teach you Facebook marketing because she has been creating, testing, and analyzing Facebook ads for small business since 2011. 

Danielle is also one of the first people in the world to become a Facebook Certified Digital Marketing Associate. With this official certification, you can trust Danielle thoroughly understands how Facebook works and has incorporated their most profitable business features into all of our Facebook marketing courses.

Will It Work for Me?

Probably! Our online courses are formatted to suit a variety of learning styles and experience levels, featuring:

  • Step-by-step written instructions for beginners.

  • Quick versions for advanced learners and easy reference.

  • Videos for visual learners.

  • Learn at your own pace; make videos go faster or slower.

  • Expert support via live chat, email, and webinars.

What You'll Get

When you buy this course, you'll get instant access to start learning. You can jump to specific topics or click through each page in sequence. 

Our courses are sold as monthly subscriptions, so you can keep them for as long as you want with no contract or minimum number of months required. Each purchase gives you unlimited access for 30 days. When you no longer need this course, you may cancel at any time with 1 click, no tricks. 

If you aren't sure this course is the right fit for you, try our Free Preview— no credit card info required!

Get Started Today

Buy this course alone or in a discounted bundle of related courses.

  • $280.00 / month

    $280.00 / monthFacebook: Posts – Master Class (Paint & Sip)

    Buy this course alone.
    Buy Now
  • Free

    FreeFacebook Marketing & Ads for Small Businesses (Bundle)

    Learn how to maximize profits from your Facebook Ads in this discounted bundle of courses.
    Buy Now
  • $300.00 / month

    $300.00 / monthFull-Site (Bundle)

    Get access to every course we publish, now and in the future, at a massive bundled discount.
    Buy Now